Lent Starts Tomorrow

It’s hard to miss on the news. Today is Mardi Gras—“Fat Tuesday.”

Historically, people fattened up today, to prepare for the Lenten fast that begins tomorrow (Ash Wednesday). Lent is upon us—again.

Lent provides a prayerful rhythm for our lives. It comes annually and lasts 6½ weeks. It invites us to fast from something that is a) significant to us, and b) a regular part of our lives.

Lent 3The fast is a trigger for prayer. Every time we think of (or desire) what we’re fasting from, we pray instead. Not necessarily lengthy prayers, but breath prayers. In short order we find ourselves praying more often throughout the day and living with a heightened sense of God’s Presence.

The next 47 days includes 40 days of fasting and 7 Sundays when we break our fast each week to honor the resurrected Christ among us. The season culminates with Easter Sunday!

Have you considered a fast? You have options. 🙂 Some folk fast from dairy, meat, bread, or even French Fries. The hardened among us may fast from sugar, candy, desserts, coffee, or Coke. Diehards may fast from television, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! The best fast is one that calls you with consistency to prayer. As we create space for God, and de-clutter our lives of just one regular item, we may experience Him differently.

How about a “reverse fast”? Add a spiritual discipline to your schedule for 40 days; reading, writing, service, worship, or silence. Or prepare yourself for an abbreviated Lent in the three weeks before Easter.

This Lent, I’m planning to spend “40 Days in the Gospels.” (Last year it was “40 days in the Psalms.”) Specifically, I’d like to spend time in Mark’s Gospel, meditating on the stories and words of Jesus. I invite you to share the Journey with me.

We do this not because we must, but because of grace.

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14 Responses to Lent Starts Tomorrow

  1. Suzette Honore says:

    Hi David,

    Thank you for this email. SO looking forward to drawing closer to the Lord during this time and knowing many reading “Because of Grace” will be joining me as well. =)

    Looking forward to your Lent posts.



  2. Tim ross says:

    David, thank you for continuing to do the 40 days of Lent. These journeys have so deeply increased my relationship with God and have brought long term effects. Keep up this excellent work and know that it is helping so many grow deeper. I look forward to your posts over Lent.


  3. michael preston says:

    David Timms is a professor/author and a brother in Christ – I hope you enjoy his written offerings during the Lent Season…

    WordPress.com David Timms posted: “It’s hard to miss on the news. Today is Mardi Gras—“Fat Tuesday.” Historically, people fattened up today, to prepare for the Lenten fast that begins tomorrow (Ash Wednesday). Lent is upon us—again. Lent provides a prayerful rhythm for our lives. It “


  4. Debbie Heim says:

    Thank you David, I will be fasting this year along with you. I know I will be appreciative of your postings for inspiration and strength. Thank you for your faithfulness!


  5. Cheri Cancelliere says:

    Thank you for your annual Lenten reflections, David. I am looking forward to sharing the journey with you this year through fasting, prayer and studying God’s word. Each year, you bless and inspire me anew. Blessings!


  6. Phil McKinley says:

    Christlike? How bout a fast from sin.


  7. Nonda Brown says:

    I don’t usually observe Lent, but this year our pastor has been encouraging us to fast, so that we can become closer to God and spend more time in prayer. I’ve decided to take the 40 day challenge and stay off Facebook! I will be doing much praying in the next 40 days, I’m sure ☺️


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